The End of a DECADE!
Song: 1999 Artist: Prince Tonight is the last day of the year 2019! But in even BIGGER news it's the end of a DECADE!! The 2010's are OVER! There are several reasons this is significant but for me, there is one HUGE , looming reason that makes me feel.....a whole lotta ways. I graduated high school in 2011. This year will mark my 9th year since high school. Which means next year (as in the next, next year....not the year that begins tomorrow) will be my 10 YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION!!!! I don't know how that's possible. And it's not making me feel anxious because I have some big, stupid reunion party to go to (since.....I don't. I did online high school.....I know. That explains SO MUCH ). It's got me feeling stressed and anxious and weird as all get out because nothing has changed. I never moved out of my parents house. I'm not married. I have no children. I don't even date. I have no college education or career of any kind. I froze. Literally F...