Hanson Streaming Concert Series: November: Perennial

I watched Hanson's second concert from their Concert Streaming Series today! The theme this month was Perennial in honor of their BRAND NEW ALBUM Perennial: A Hanson Net Collection! The album is essentially a "greatest hits" album of all of Hanson's "Member's Only Music" over the past 20 years! 😲 This music has never been shared with the public before but now they are "pulling back the curtain" so to speak and letting EVERYONE in on what fan-club members have enjoyed for years! I became a member in mid-November of 2014 so there are several songs I don't have that are included on this album! I'm looking forward to listening (although, since I am a current Hnet member, I have access to the phenomenal music player on their website which includes EVERY fan-club EP ever made so I can listen to them all any time I want! Perks of joining - hint hint! 😉). The album also includes a BRAND NEW SONG "Nothing Like A Love Song."

Here's the track list of Hanson's new album Perennial: A Hanson Net Collection
The bolded * mean songs that I own (from my 6 years worth of members music).

1. Young and Dumb* (from 2018's Animal Instincts EP)
2. Nothing Like A Love Song
3. Goldminer* (from 2018's Animal Instincts EP)
4. Best of Times
5. The Ballad of Seymour Better Times* (from 2019's In Real Life EP)
6. Be My Own
7. Down
8. Oooh La La La* (from 2016's Loud EP)
9. Roller Coaster Love
10. Leave the Light On
11. Grace Unknown* (from 2015's Inside the Box EP)
12. Never Let Go
13. Sunny Day
14. Better Days* (from 2019's In Real Life EP)
15. Panic in the Streets* (from 2014's Music Made For Humans EP)
16. I Lift You Up* (from 2017's In Color EP)
17. Bad For Me* (from 2018's Animal Instincts EP)
18. I Don't Wanna Go Home* (from 2017's In Color EP)
19. Up All Night
20. Stop Me In My Tracks* (from 2016's Loud EP)
21. White Collar Crime* (from 2014's Music Made For Humans EP)

I wouldn't say I loved this months concert as much as last months (I still smile every time I think about it! SO MUCH FUN!!) but it was still good! I had a feeling going into it that I wasn't going to enjoy it as much; I don't know why... 🤷 anyway, check out the set-list* and my notes below:

Goldminer - Never been the biggest fan of this song so it felt very "Meh" to me... especially as the opener
Stop Me in My Tracks Now THIS is how they should have started the show!! 💜SO HAPPY they did this fantastic song justice! They all sounded great!!
Waiting For This* Not a Member's Only song but it was still a lot of fun! I don't think they play this one live very often so it was a fun surprise!
Best of Times ISAAC LEAD!! 💜😍 SLAY ALL DAAAAAYYYY!! They sounded SO GOOD on one of my faves! Happy girl right here! 😃
Ohh La La La - This has always been one of  my LEAST favorite members only songs (of all time)... I ALWAYS skip it... so when it began, I was a little bummed BUT... they KILLED it tonight and I actually really enjoyed it!
Get the Girl Back ALWAYS A BLAST!
Loud - Usually another "skip" song for me...but hearing it "live" was a game changer! I loved it! So much energy!
Panic in the Streets - 😲😫😱😭🙌💜 They've NEVER played this song live before!!! It was
AWESOME!! Despite a little lyrics mishap 😂 overall, it was SO GOOD! It didn't sound as "full" as the soundtrack version, but there was something really intimate and cool about it that way, I wasn't disappointed or let down at all.
Down They did NOT just perform this song flawlessly 😭 Oh wait, yeah they did!! Chills. I felt that in my soul! Thank you Hanson for choosing to play this one tonight, on my night!! This song has always been so special and meaningful to me so the fact that they played this live (and did it so well!) was probably the highlight of my night!
On and OnI mean, I like this song, they sounded great but...I just feel like they play this one a lot. I was hoping for more rare/not-as-often-performed-songs ya know? (On a more positive note, Tay's face during this song, as he looked out at the audience, looked SO HAPPY and it was just SO adorable! He was really in his element, soaking every moment in and you could tell he was so happy to be performing and doing what he loves again! 💜 His passion is my favorite thing!)
Ballad of Seymour Better Days (Zac Solo) - I don't really like this song...like at all. I was really hoping it wouldn't be played tonight. It kinda makes me cringe and I feel second-hand embarrassment that they even chose to include it on the new album (to the public!). But, it's clearly one of Zac's FAVORTIE fan-club songs (he said so himself) so... It was OK but I would have been perfectly happy without it (why not Wait Here For You!? That one is so much better - and older/rarer! It would have been a fun surprise!).
So Lovely (Ike Solo) This was a fun one! Mainly because I'm not very familiar with this song in general so I was happy with it!
Never Let Go (Tay Solo) I was really hoping for "Be My Ownbut this song is so beautiful and Taylor did an absolutely phenomenal job (best solo of the night - easy!). I also found this song to be fitting with COVID going on. It puts things into perspective and reminds you of the ones who really matter. 
Young & Dumb Love, love, love!! 💜💜
Nothing Like A Love Song - ZAC 😮😄🤩 Singing in his high register literally the entire time was pretty, dang impressive! This is Hanson's newest song and I'll be honest... I didn't love it when I first listened to it. I read that many fans thought it has an MJ vibe to it which I guess I kinda see (mostly in Zac's use of some "Oh's!" and other MJ sounding sounds, lol) but I don't totally get it myself. After listening to it tonight, live, it definitely grew on me. It's catchy for sure! I'll be giving it another listen soon! It was fun to hear tonight!
I Was Born My second most FAVORITE Hanson song of ALL TIME!! Like WHAT!?! YESSS!! LOVED it!
Thinkin' Bout Somethin' - 😒 OK, don't get me wrong, I LOVE this song! It's a Hanson CLASSIC. But... I was really looking forward to hearing a lot of the "Member's Only" songs...that are on the new album. This felt...meh to me tonight. I couldn't get into it because there were so many other songs I wanted to hear! Disappointed.
Up All Night - 😩 I've never been the biggest fan of this song... I mean it's fun but there are several others I would have preferred to hear (namely Sunny Day!). It didn't help that the song started glitching a lot...😣😫😠😭 (I hate that I've been such a downer on Zac leads during these shows! I have to give him a shout out for being a beyond talented musician! The fact that he can sing and drum as only HE can is so impressive! 👊👏)
White Collar Crime WHOA! The transition from "Up All Nightto this one was CRAY!! As in CRA-ZAY good! Love this song and this performance was awesome! Zac is seriously SO TALENTED! This song is incredibly fast paced and he sang it word for word (perfectly! Not a single mistake) while banging away on his drums (keeping beat like the freaking BOSS that he is!). Mad respect for the man! Also, you gotta love Zac's craziness and weirdness and how he just embraces who he is! 😂 He's such a wild man and I love it!
ROLLER COASTER LOVE!! - 🥳😭💜 I WAS HOPING FOR THIS SONG ALL NIGHT LONG!! Wow! They really ended this show with a BANG! So much fun! I always love hearing this one live! The energy is off the charts! Unfortunately it glitched a lot towards the end 😭 But it was still a total blast! And a great way to end the show (especially when I wasn't super jazzed about some of those last few song selections for a bit... or the way the show opened).

Overall, it was a fun show and I'm glad I got a ticket (Hanson never lets me down!). BUT I am really looking forward to the announcement of next month's theme (I'm pretty sure I can guess what it will be....🎄🎅)! I'll probably splurge and give myself an early Christmas present by buying tickets to all 3 shows! Woot! Woot! Merry Christmas to me, baby! 

*Bolded songs = Stand outs from the show
* = Songs NOT on Perennial


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