Month of Love Songs Challenge Day 29: HAPPY LEAP DAY!

Song: Better With You Artist: Jesse McCartney Thanks to 2020 being a LEAP YEAR we get one more love song for the month!! WOOT! WOOT! If you'll recall this post from a couple of years ago then you will know Jesse McCartney was my first major celebrity crush. So when I heard this song last year, I was immediately transported back in time to my 12 year old self because he literally sounds and looks exactly the same. It's weird. And kinda sad. He was so cute back as the up and coming 19 year old singer. But now, in his early to mid 30's .... he's still lookin' so young and baby faced. I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing but....maybe it's just taste in men has changed and evolved quite a bit over the years. A few of my celebrity crushes of years past have been: First up is, obviously, the man of the post, J-MAC (as all us OG fans would know him as): What started it all π THIS is the Jesse I remember having posters of on m...