The Golden Rule & Too Young to Kill

Song(s): The Golden Rule & Too Young to Kill
Artist: Zac Hanson & Hanson

Two Hanson Halloween songs in a row! Not only that but TWO in one day! Let's goooo!!!

First up, The Golden Rule. This is one of those silly Zac songs found on the member exclusive album Super Digital Pants! I've shared a song from this album once before. Check it out! Super Digital Pants (and it's predecessor, Digital Pants) is a collection of goofy, totally random and bizarre songs conjured up from the madness that is Zac Hanson's brain! πŸ˜‚ I won't lie, although the subject matter of most of these songs are completely wacky, Zac can write super catchy tunes and really belt it out, making them sound genuinely good! For example, see Traci BrownThis song was written long before my time as a Fanson. From what I've read, Zac wrote it as a challenge given to him from a fan...I think? Or a fan won a contest where Zac would write a song using her name...not totally sure. All I know is this one is actually kinda pretty and Zac's voice sounds incredible on it, even if the lyrics are confusing, lol. Also check out Refresh (Gospel) (inspired by this hilarious video πŸ˜‚ shared in April of 2010! 4 years before I discovered Hanson!)Another song before my time but it proves this boy can really SAAANG!!

Anyway, I'm not as familiar with this track, but it's been waiting on my list of potential Halloween songs to share for a while, so it's time it finally sees the light of day! Be sure to follow the "Golden Rule" of Halloween...which apparently is to dress up in an awesome costume and party all Halloween night long! πŸŽƒπŸŽ‰And never stay home alone...πŸ’€ Fun Fact: the songs An Evening at the Big-top & Zombie are featured on the Digital Pants album.

Let me tell you a story about a boy who broke the golden rule
Never be alone on Halloween night
He decided to stay home and give candy to Trick or Treaters
He didn't want a costume or go to a party
As the candy emptied and he turned off the porch light to go to bed
He realized he wasn't alone at all

There's something underneath my bed
And I don't think that this is in my head
I'm in a tragedy
I stayed home alone on Halloween
And now the fear has taken hold of me
Will I be a feast? It's a mystery
Is it man or beast
Oh let me go

As that boy turned around he knew he had made a grave mistake
Cuz the worst would be a foot
He wished for a silver bullet or a stake, anything to fend the beast of the night off
But that was the last night he would see as a human
So let me give this advice
Never break the golden rule

There's something underneath my bed
And I don't think that this is in my head
I'm in a tragedy
I stayed home alone on Halloween
And now the fear has taken hold of me
Will I be a feast? It's a mystery
Is it man or beast
I'm in a tragedy

My second offering is this incredibly unique, more story than song, Too Young To Kill, from Hanson's 2010 Member's EP Time & Trouble. Although not as explicitly Halloween-sounding in lyrics and subject matter as The Golden Rule, the idea of killing and murder and becoming an outlaw fits the macabre themes often associated with Halloween. Isaac sounds exactly like an old cowboy, re-telling his memories of how he became an outlaw, warning all future cowboy hopefuls about what life on the run entails. It's the most unique sounding Hanson song I have ever heard! Very Johnny Cash-esque. I also get a little Elvis vibe from the vocal. Isaac was the perfect choice for this track! 

Uhhh, I don't know why the first line of the song is missing...

It was only a case of passion spurned
We were only sixteen when the crime occurred
We fled the scene in a stolen truck
And we got away, beginner's luck

We hit the road as the sun came up
Seven hundred miles by the time we stopped
After that night it was all downhill
I was too young to kill

Her father said our love would never last
And what you're feeling now soon will pass
And Jenny's got a plan to finish school
So you better give it up now, you little fool

Well, he timed his fist and my face he struck
Jenny yelled "No!" as I tried to get up
I pulled my gun and his face went pale
Son, you're too young to kill

So we got away Scott-free
So we thought
And outside Santa Fe is where we got caught
And as Jenny stepped in front of me
Well a shot rang out
She fell to her knees

Got my diploma at the county jail
Only eighteen but I've written my will
Headline read in the Daily Mail, he's too young to kill
He's too young to kill

I actually LOVE this live version! Wow! Isaac's vocals are impeccable! 🀩 And can we appreciate those whistling skills!? Coming from someone who can't whistle, I am impressed. Sorry about the noisy audience πŸ™„

Isaac explaining the song Too Young to Kill, very interesting!



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