MLK Day 2021
As per tradition the past two years, I have been doing some reading on this great Civil Rights leader (although not as much as I would have liked) throughout the month, but this year has felt different. With everything that happened this summer and is continuing to happen, it's eerie to see the similarities between then and now. We still have such a far way to go to make America equal and 100% racism-free. To fully fulfill Martin Luther King's dream. It feels disheartening at times. In times of frustration and doubt, we need to follow the example of Dr. King and continue to PEACEFULLY work toward unity, having faith in God and hope for a better tomorrow.
I watched the film Selma to end the day, and while I was watching I was thinking about Mrs. Coretta Scott King and the amazing woman, wife and mother she was. Women like her are truly 1 in a million! To stand by her husbands side and endure everything she did: death threats, bombings, her husband being gone hours, days, weeks on end, it must have been so frightening and stressful! And to do it a lot of it on her own. I can't even begin to imagine...
I mentioned back in 2019 how I noticed similarities in Martin Luther King and the Latter-Day Saint Prophet Joseph Smith. I can't help but think of both of them at this time of year as I reflect and read about Martin Luther King Jr. This year, I noticed many similarities between Coretta Scott King and Emma Smith, the prophets wife. She was another incredibly brave and strong woman who stood by her husbands side, despite intense adversity. Behind every strong man is an even stronger woman. I feel humbled by both of these elect ladies. I know they are blessed eternally for their faithfulness and sacrifice while on this earth. Both of them deserve more recognition, love and appreciation. They deserve to be just as honored as their husbands. I like to think they are friends in Heaven, bonding over their earthly experiences and resting peacefully after all they endured.
So today, as we honor Martin Luther King Jr. and commit to making the work he started a reality for all people, I also want to honor and shout out Coretta Scott King. She deserves our thoughts and gratitude just as much.
I can't end today's post without sharing a at least one song (it goes against my nature! 😉). This song, I feel, represents the ideals that Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King, Joseph Smith & Emma Hale Smith, all encompassed and represent. It's also extremely needed in the world right now 🙏 All four of these people were lights in times of great darkness and still shine brightly today ✨💖
In a world filled with hate be a LIGHT!
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