Hanson Streaming Concert Series: December: The Christmas Ball!


I bought tickets to all THREE Christmas Shows!! Unfortunately, they were all pretty similar so I'm not sure it was totally worth it but I had fun nonetheless! 🎄 Let the Christmas season officially COMMENCE!

Concert #1 - 12/04/20

Christmas Ball - gLiTcHiNg!! But I really liked the song (one I've never heard & I'm pretty sure its an original).
What Christmas Means To Me - Love this song! 💕 A little glitchy but Zac was ON!
Little Saint Nick - Zac's ScReAm! 😱 What was THAT about!? He basically interrupted Tay! 😆 But Ike rocked! Most rock n' roll version of this EVER!
Run Run Rudolph - FINALLY! NO GLITCHING! And they KILLED this song!! (Although I wish the camera had actually shown Taylor during his piano solo)...I spoke too soon. The glitching returned. 😞
Please Come Home For Christmas - *(I'll stop whining about the glitching as it seems it's inevitable at this point...)*. Zac's voice 😍 Ike & Tay on the backing vocals 😍 My favorite so far! SO GOOD!!
At Christmas - Beautiful. Emotional. 👏😭
Joy to the Mountain - SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! This performance was 🔥!! MY FAVORITE PERFROMANCE OF THE NIGHT!! I'm calling it now! These boys took me to CHRUCH!! Hallelujah AMEN! Honestly, I would love more acapella type stuff like this from them because just them and their voices is EVERYTHING! And I was blessed with a Christmas MIRACLE: it didn't glitch ONCE the entire performance!! Love, love, love, love!💕 That made my night!!
Peace On Earth - Too glitchy to enjoy 😐
Christmas Time - SO HAPPY TO HEAR OLDER HANON SING THIS ONE!! Yay Tay!! Loved it! Also, how appropriate is this song for this year in particular??
Blue Christmas - Tay-lor's PASSION & SOUL was EV👏RY👏THING 😍 I think this might be my second favorite performance of the night! I'm literally shocking myself for thinking/feeling that way but it was so, so good! I love Taylor so much!
Rockin' Around the Christas Tree - "DOO-WA-BOP-BOP!" Haha. FANTASTIC! I'm so happy to be on team Zac again this concert!
Baby Please Come Home - This would have been even more amazing if it hadn't glitched throughout the entire song...
Wonderful Christmas Time - Started out promising...then started glitching like CRAZY and I just lost interest (and got on Hanson.net forums to complain about it with other understanding/frustrated fans)
Merry Christmas Baby - AHHHH!! TAYLOR!!! Literally SCREAMING!! This has always been one of my favorites from Snowed In and Taylor KILLED IT again 23 years later! I love his passion and soul! Tay is KILLING it tonight!
Winter Wonderland - "This song is a little bittersweet living in Oklahoma, we don't always get "winter wonderlands" here...it's more like "powdered doughnut"" - Zac 😂 UGH! Zac's voice was soooooo gooooood!! This is my third favorite performance of the night! "As we groove by the fire!" 
All I Want For Christmas - This was just all around FUN! Definitely brought the "ball" to this Christmas BALL! 
'Til New Years Night - Although not one of my favorite songs (I find it a little cheesy...) I feel this song is more intended to show off each of the guys incredible musicianship (on their instruments specifically). They each had a moment to shine on this very high energy, "rockin" song and it was so fun to see them each kill it doing their thing! Fun way to end the show!! Also, shout out to Ike, that song is speedy and has a lot of lyrics and he nailed!! 😅

Concert #2 - 12/05/20 (Afternoon Show)

Merry Christmas Baby - A MUCH better start (no glitching so far 🤞) and they sound amazing!! 👏
Christmas Ball - I NEED this song!! Zac is 🔥!!
What Christmas Means to Me* - And the glitching returns 😭 Missed a good chunk of the song 😡 Started out fun tho...
Little Saint Nick - Zac didn't SCREAM-terrupt Taylor this time 😆 Transitioned much better! This performance was so great!!
Wonderful Christmas Time - This is one of my favorite songs from the album but...I just haven't loved it live yet 😕😔 It feels very off. The ending got a lot better tho! (BTW: I'm writing these notes live)
Please Come Home For Christmas - Same as last night, Zac is great!
Christmas Time - This was BEAUTIFUL!! No glitching, ALL passion, WONDERFUL message, ALL THREE nailed their parts, the perfectly harmonized ending 😭 This is what I was wanting to hear yesterday! LOVE! 💗
A Christmas* - Why does Taylor sound like he's getting a little emotional for half a second!? I thought we were getting Someday At Christmas...not yet. Ike's explanation about this song has me 😭 The experience of going from being a child at Christmas to a parent! "𝅘𝅥𝅮It's a comfort deep inside to know that you can stop the race of time that Christmas will always be𝅘𝅥𝅮" "𝅘𝅥𝅮This is what Christmas means to me, being together with family.𝅘𝅥𝅮" This was such a gorgeous performance. I closed my eyes and listened to the words, reflecting on my Christmas's past (and to come) I really felt it this time. Even with the slight glitching at the end, this was a warm and cozy performance! 💗
Someday At Christmas - AHHHHH!!!! WE GET SOMEDAY AT CHRISTMAS TODAY!!! I'M SO HAPPY!! 😭 They SLAYED!! TAY SLAYED!! This was so wonderful!!! Love, love, love!! Another song the world needs right now. 🙏💓 Thank you for doing this tonight Taylor. Favorite performance.
JOY TO THE MOUNTAIN - 🔥🔥🔥 "We KNOW that Jesus Christ is born!" 💓
FINALLY IT'S CHRISTMAS - YESSSSS!! This was what I was looking forward to last night and didn't get!!! SO FUN! I was dancing and singing along this time!!!
Peace On Earth - 😭😭😭 Second fave of the night! So beautiful! This is what Christmas is all about! "Sometimes there are thoughts you have you probably should say out loud." - Ike to Zac 😂
Winter Wonderland - PERFECTION. I think this is one of my most favorite versions of this song EVER (I even like it more than PTX's 😲)
(Christmas) Baby Please Come Home - I'm having a total fangirling, geeking out moment right now. But when Taylor looked right at the camera, smiled and sang I felt "HE'S LOOKING AT ME!!!" Hahahaha!! He was so happy! I love him so, so much!! He acknowledged us so much! 💖
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree* - 😒 Some glitching going on here...but good for the most part! Love their version of this classic tune! "I don't know why but I had a really intense desire to sing that song in a really terrible British accent." - Zac
Blue Christmas - "And this guy never got invited to the part anyway." - Taylor 😍 I need a soul album from this man. Like, yesterday! I don't usually really care for this song but their version live performances have me like 😍😍 Another top fave of the show! That ENDING tho! 😮😩😱🔥💓
Run Run Rudolph - Their version of this song goes SO HARD! It's such a good chorus!! I love Ike! 💚 So much energy! Also, I loved Zac's background comments 😂 "Preferably red!" I love him!
All I Want For Christmas* - From what I COULD hear 🙄 it was great! I love their version  (of the most over hyped Christmas song ever) best!
'Til New Years Night - "Hellooo Mrs. Claus!" Haha. Love these guys. This song has really grown on me because of these two concert streams! Super fun & rockin!

* = Glitching

Concert #3 - 12/05/20 (Evening Show)

Merry Christmas Baby 
What Christmas Means To Me 
Christmas Ball 
Little Saint Nick 
Wonderful Christmas Time 
Please Come Home For Christmas 
Christmas Time 
At Christmas 
Someday At Christmas 
Joy to the Mountain 
WHITE CHRISTMAS - FINALLY! Something NEW! Best performance (along with Joy to the Mountain - as always!). I LOOOOOVE acapella Hanson! BEAUTIFUL!!
Peace On Earth 
Baby Please Come Home  
Finally It's Christmas 
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 
Winter Wonderland 
Blue Christmas 
SILENT NIGHT - WHAAAAATTT!?! The transition from Blue Christmas to this special song was a treat! Especially since it was just Ike on the guitar. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Silent Night Medley!?AHHH! It was way too short - just the first verse of Silent Night and the chorus of O Holy Night) but it was a fun surprise and I loved it!! 💗💚🤍
All I Want For Christmas - Zac started too soon (again) and cut Tay off...but this was the best I heard them perform this song from all three shows!
Run Run Rudolph 
'Til New Years Night

Perks of being a fan club member! Encores!

My Favorite Christmas Sweater - Fun to hear this song live! Especially love that it was just the three of them and an acoustic guitar 💕
Happy Christmas - Love the way Taylor started this song! This was great! I like this way better than the album version!
EVERYBODY KNOWS THE CLUAS - YESSSS!!! I was sad they never played this one but now they did and it was FANTASTIC! Wish they had shown this during the ACTUAL stream....for some, ya know, variety. 

All-in-all, a super fun weekend of Christmas music with my favorite band! Thanks for three great shows guys!! 💗💚🤍



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