Palm Sunday 2018
I read "The Way of Discipleship" by (now) Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, as suggested from my last year's post.
This hit me hard:
This hit me hard:
"Our beloved friend Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin taught us this principle (living the gospel of Jesus Christ) with clarity when he said: “Oh, it is wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father loves us—even with all our flaws! His love is such that even should we give up on ourselves, He never will. “We [might] see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Our Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever. …"
I have been having a very difficult time these past couple of days. I have felt so hopeless, so forgotten, so abandoned. I have focused so much of my time and thoughts on all of my flaws. Everything that makes me weak and worthless. That phrase: "His love is such that even should we give up on ourselves, He never will" was a tender reminder of the constant love and presence of the Lord. I have given up on myself. I have abandoned my faith and hope. I have given in to the cruel and insistent voices of the Devil and his angels that tell me I'll never be good enough, normal, better. That my life has no meaning or purpose or value. That quote, was what I really needed. It is a beautiful reminder that I hope to remember as I try to focus on my Savior throughout this Holy Week.
I love the idea and tradition of Lent. I think it is admirable and shows a willingness to sacrifice; a constant, daily reminder of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus Christ performed on our behalf. A time for deep pondering and self-improvement, acknowledging weakness and consciously trying to improve ourselves. Honestly, I forgot about Lent until just now, hopefully by next year I can participate in Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday. So for this year, I want to do my own "mini" Lent during this next week leading up to Easter.
This week I want to try to give up my excessive use of social media and the internet/tv. It is a huge time waster and problem for me. I want to spend more time in my scriptures and improving my talents, skills and abilities. I want to read and educate my mind more, serve and spend time in quiet pondering. This is small and seems redundant. This is something I'm always trying to improve. But this week, as I focus on my Savior and His sacrifice, my hope is that it will help me fulfill this personal goal.
#BecauseofHim I can change. I can become better than I have been. No mistake is ever final. No challenge is too large to be overcome for He has already overcome it.
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