Positive Playlist

I want to create a positive/uplifting/motivating playlist for my life. Music is my therapy, as I've mentioned before, and I have found that when I take the time to listen to songs that inspire me or really make me think I feel so much better. I'm dealing with quite a bit of anxiety and stress right now. I have to make a lot of changes and choices in my life and it is incredibly difficult! Plus I signed myself up for something that I don't feel prepared for at all (nor that I really wanted to do, I felt pressured to say yes so I did!! I wish I could stand up for myself more....) Anyway, here's what I have so far, more to come soon.

MMMBop - Hanson - Just makes you feel HAPPY!! :) 
Fired Up - Hanson - The ultimate "LET'S DO THIS!" song :)
Brave - Sara Bareilles

It's really small right now, any suggestions would be much appreciated!! I will continue to add songs as I remember/discover them so check back often!! I need as much support as I can get right now!


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