Back to the Island 2024 "At Home" Celebration Day 3 πŸŒ΄πŸŒŠπŸ–πŸŽ‰

Most every year I feel sad to miss out on BTTI...some more than others. This may be controversial but the beach isn't one of my favorite places to go....😬 I don't like being in a bathing suit...or wearing "summer" type clothes in general, it's my least favorite season to dress for. This is due to a multitude of reasons, being self-conscious about my body being one of the main ones of course. I'm not what one would call "skinny" by a long shot. I'm not necessarily "fat" but I'm also not ideally "curvy"...pleasantly plump would be a good descriptor for my body type 🀣 #newyearsresolutionforlife

Anyway...when I saw that this was a song Taylor pulled out of his back pocket and surprised everyone with a few years was one of those times that, I didn't care how uncomfortable being in a bathing suit makes me feel, I would have worn one willingly and gladly to hear THIS song played live! 😍😍 Are you kidding me!? I didn't know Hanson themselves even remembered it existed!! πŸ˜‚ It's SO insanely rare! I discovered it on youtube waaaay back in my early days of being a Fanson and fell absolutely in LOVE with it! I thought it was so romantic, hahaha. Back when I still believed in the possibility of finding love for myself...those were simpler times. 

Forever grateful to whomever was gracious enough to share this on youtube for those of us who can't afford to go to this destination paradise musical experience!! πŸ™πŸ₯ΊπŸ’“πŸ˜­ I think I like this BETTER than the original!! It's simpler and more laid back...I guess I'm also just older and like that this has a slightly less "boy band" feel to it than the original did. Taylor freaking SLAYED! πŸ”₯πŸ’— Ugh! It's so good!! I'm sad I missed it. I'm sad I'm not there now! I want to go!! 😭

Out of My Head/Wasting Time - Taylor Hanson Solo show - Back to the Island 2022

Not to be rude but the fan reaction to this song when he started singing was...disappointing. Why were they not screaming and freaking out!? I would have lost my dang MIND!! 🀯😱 Maybe there was a bit of an intro that the videographer didn't get? Perhaps he told them what he was going to sing and the person whipped out their phone in time to catch the performance but missed the initial excitement from the fans. I'm going to believe that's the case πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰


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