The Mad Hatter & A Nice Little Walk

Welcome to the second week of October! 🎃 How is that possible!? 

My little dog is expecting her puppies next weekend and I'm starting to freak out a...LOT. I'm not anywhere near prepared and the whole process is terrifying to me. I can't believe I let my family talk me into this. I don't want to do this. I'm worried over the health of my dog and the puppies. Has she been eating enough of the right food to sustain the pups and help them grow and develop properly? Will one (or more) die at birth? Will there be a life-threatening problem during the birthing process? What if it's in the middle of the night and we can't get to a vet?? Will the puppies have health issues? Will we be able to sell them all? Will someone decide they don't want the dog anymore and give it back demanding a full refund? And don't even get me started on the amount of time and attention they will need that will consume my life. I'm selfishly very upset about's my favorite time of the year to go out, read, watch movies, etc. And now I feel like I'm going to be stuck at home for the next two months constantly cleaning up after puppies...because I will be! And I'm NOT a sales person of any make things worse, I don't enjoy talking to people sooo...this was all a GIANT mistake!! I regret it so much. I'm not this kind of person. I decided I wanted a dog because I missed and needed the companionship and friendship. This is too much. Needless to say, it was a long morning of me fretting over everything that could (and is) to come. I'm a paranoid, nervous wreck right now! 😰😱😭

BUT. There's nothing I can do about it but move forward with faith. I'm not going to abandon her now. I'm going to try my best. I have a lot of help from my family. Before we had her bred I fasted and prayed and feel like I had received a confirmation that this would be a good experience. It will be a blessing for me financially. I don't know if that is selfish, but I'm pretty desperate at the moment. I have to trust what I felt. I have to trust that God will help me get through this as I rely on Him. Because, He's been hearing a lot of paranoid, panicked prayers lately... 

OK. No more stress talk. Let's get on to the music!

This week, I have decided to focus on "spooky" inspired music from musicals! Starting with...Wonderland! I know the story of Alice in Wonderland isn't necessarily "scary" but a few songs from the fantastic musical Wonderland definitely works for the season where Villain's take center stage and reign supreme! 😈 

Song(s): The Mad Hatter & A Nice Little Walk
Artist: From, Wonderland the musical

SPOILER ALERT: In this re-imagined tale the Mad Hatter is the villain of the story who kidnaps a grown-up Alice's young daughter in an attempt to take over Wonderland! She's pretty eccentric but with less goofiness and more sinister desires. It's a really clever take! I love all of her songs, they're all so dark and evil (also, love that she's played by a woman!). In A Nice Little Walk I think it's implied that she's the original Mad Hatter's daughter! Bad seed.

Well Hello, there, it's me
With how it's gonna be
Settle down and listen up good

The old Hatter is gone
But the Hat must go on
Worn by me, is that understood?

So shut up and tow the line
While I redefine
How this all will be mine

I have a dream
That's got a full head of steam!

What is true what is not
Can both change in a shot
And people, me
I couldn't care less

'Cause in two seconds flat
Livin' under my hat
Is the strategy for success

I will look the other way
When you want to play
Something more than croquet
You catch my drift?
My little personal gift!

I'm the Mad Hatter
Come and follow me, this is it
The Mad Hatter
All you gotta do is submit
And if you don't my friend
Well then in the end
There'll be nothing left to defend
Know what I mean?
When you are facing the Queen

Uppercase, double-spaced
Everyone gets a taste
And a brand new leather hat band

But to participate
Let me reiterate
You must first put me in command

I'm the wonder, understand
Under Wonderland
Put the reins in my hand
I'll do the rest
As soon as you've acquiesced!

I'm the Mad Hatter
Offering a little bit more
The Mad Hatter
Giving you what you're looking for

I am your best worst case
For the choice you face
And the fastest rat in the race!
It's me or the queen
And her serene guillotine

There is nothing I won't do
There is nothing too taboo
I will lie, I will cheat
I will track you down
And then hit delete tout suite!
So sweetie let me repeat...

I'm the Mad Hatter
Pledge allegiance while you still can
The Mad Hatter
More than just a hat with a plan
I am where you belong
The right kind of wrong
And I'll still be going real strong!

The bottom line
Is everything will be fine
As all the planets align
It's gonna be so divine
When all of this will be MINE!!

A nice little walk
While I clarify
The who, what, where, when, and why
Of mom's peculiar connection to dad's imperfection

A nice little walk

Participate with me

In family therapy

Till we're all guilt free
Be of good cheer


Nothing's as bad as at first it seems
Once we're analyzing your dreams

A theme park park of Freudian themes

A nice little walk
Might help us understand
Till hand in hand

In hand

Mom and you

And dad too

All break through

Take it from me -- see

Managing stress is our specialty

Warm tea...

And some trust is the key

Trusting in me is the key
A nice little walk
Or we can ride instead
All aboard my new sled

To her hive

Big high-five

You can drive



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