Thriller 40 Challenge!


I meant to do this Thriller 40 Challenge I saw on Twitter last week but forgot to...since today is THE day, I decided why not answer all the ❔❔'s now!

Day 1: What's your favorite song from the Thriller album.
This is a tough one but I have to go with Human Nature. I was instantly mesmerized the first time I heard it. I thought it was the most beautiful song in the world! I still get so excited every time I hear those beginning notes! 😍

Day 2: A song from Thriller that has personal meaning to you, what does it mean to you?
It's gotta be Human Nature again just because it was one of the first songs I fell in love with when I was first becoming a fan! You can read more about it here! I pretty much documented my entire journey on my blog here going from knowing who Michael was and a few of his hits to becoming the crazy, die-hard stan I am today!

Day 3: Which song from Thriller give you the most nostalgia? And what memories does it hold? 
Probably the song Thriller. It's just so iconic! I remember knowing that song long before I ever considered myself a Michael Jackson fan. It really was revolutionary and changed the world! Name one person who doesn't know that song! You don't have to be an MJ fan, you're practically born knowing it!! Now, THAT'S how you make an impact in the music world! Ending each Halloween night watching Thriller has become one of my favorite new traditions in recent years; one I plan to carry on for the rest of my life with my own future family!

Day 4: Your favorite live performance with a song from Thriller? 
I have three and I refuse to choose between them! They are all equally amazing!! Human Nature, Thriller & Billie Jean from Live at Wembley 1988! The first time I watched each of these performances I remember my jaw being on the ground I was so blown away by Michael! I literally turned into a giddy child, I knew I was experiencing something special, never to be done or seen again by any other human being! 🀍🀍😭

Day 5: The Thriller song with your favorite lyric?
Hmmm...this is a hard one! I've always LOVED the way Michael sounds on Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' when he says: "Took my baby to the doctor with a fever but nothin' he found. By the time this hit the street, they said she had a breakdown! Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin.' Talkin', squealin', lyin' sayin' you just wanna be startin' somethin'!" He sounds so nasty (in a good way obvi)!

Also, the second verse ("Reaching out to touch a stranger, electric eyes are everywhere. See that girl, she knows I'm watching, she likes the way I stare"), bridge and ending ad-libbing of Human Nature, has always been a favorite 😍 And the chorus of P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing). "Pretty Young Thang!" Sooo good!! Oh and just everything about Lady Of My Life 😍😍 That song is so sexy! πŸ˜…

Day 6: Your favorite new track from #Thriller 40?
She's Trouble! Read more about my reasons/fangirling here 😁 A close second is What A Lovely Way to Go. It's an earworm.

Day 7: Your favorite short film from the Thriller album?
Hands down Thriller!! 

Day 8: Do you have any memorabilia related to Thriller? If not, what's on your wish list?
I own two albums, both anniversary editions. I love my Thriller t-shirt I bought years ago from the men's section at Target. πŸ˜ I would love a poster to hang on my wall! 

Day 9: When/how did you discover the Thriller album?
September 2015 🀍 Shortly after hearing Pentatonix's Evolution of Michael Jackson and looking up Human Nature. I was shocked when I found out Beat It, Billie Jean AND Thriller were all from ONE album! I knew they were all hits from Michael Jackson but I thought it was over the course of time/his career. I remember thinking no wonder he's such a big deal! πŸ˜‚ Knowing everything I know now...yeah, he's more than just a "big deal!" He's the GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!! 

Day 10: Your favorite song from the Thriller sessions that is till unreleased?
πŸ€”πŸ€” I didn't know there were I've clearly never heard them. I guess I'm not as hardcore of a fan as the people I follow on Twitter πŸ˜‚



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