Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2022 🌈🖤🤍🕊
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
I didn't get to commemorate today as I would have liked. I feel like I failed him in a way. I wanted to listen to my music that makes me think of him and spend more time looking through pictures and videos. My sister and I went on a walk/hike down one of our old favorite trails. That trail. So many, many memories of walking it with my boy. As we made our way to the trail, just walking through the neighborhood brought back special memories of walking with my sweet puppy. His favorite places to stop at, thinking about the decorations certain houses have had throughout the years during the holidays. It's grown a lot; the trees and plants. Never really noticed that until this year. The only time I go on walks is if I'm with a family member; so they're not very often. I still haven't gone alone. It still hurts too much to even try. So I guess that was one good way of remembering him today. I also saw two little butterflies.
I wish I could have said something about today's holiday to my family, but I still get emotional bringing my puppy up. Maybe someday we can all sit around and share our memories together. I hope so.
Instead of repeating the heartache, grief and sadness I still feel over missing my dog, I'm going to share some memories of him today. There are so many, it's hard to even find the words and where to begin.
The Bridge
Fitting title for today. 😌 On July 31st while I was thinking about my dog and going through old pictures and videos, I came across a couple in particular that I remember so vividly. It was winter time, probably December or January as he was wearing his adorable little coat, and we were walking our usual route at the time. At one point, my dog started refusing to cross a little bridge that's part of the path. I think it's because his little paw slipped through one of the larger openings on one of the slates once or twice. It must have scared him pretty badly - it scared me! He never got hurt thankfully - because every time we would get to the bridge he would stop and refuse to walk across. I always carried him over. This went on for weeks, perhaps even months. I would sometimes try to coax him across but he was stubborn! But on that winter day, as we approached the bridge and after his usual stop to sniff around and "mark his territory" and slowly stepped on that bridge and began walking! I was so proud of him! His tail started wagging and he confidently walked right across, both ways! I remember being so surprised and proud that I snapped some pics and even took a video! I remember thinking to myself that my sweet little puppy just set a great example for me in that moment. He did something he had been scared of for a long time. Even though he had had a bad experience in the past, that day, he decided to be brave and try again! He taught me courage that day. I've always remembered that. Thank you puppy!
During another walk down the our usual trail, on our way home, I saw something long and thin lying on the trail. I thought it was a big, thick stick. For some reason I don't think I wasn't wearing my contacts that day - and I never like to wear my glasses in public - so I could see super well. As we got closer I stopped dead in my tracks. It was a SNAKE! It had to been at least two feet long, perhaps bigger! And right next to it, unbeknownst to the danger, was a little bird. Just hopping around pecking at the ground. I snatched my dog up and slowly approached. I quickly but quietly ran around it off trail of course, and ran forward. I looked back and saw it had inched closer to the bird. I kept looking back as we resumed our walk. The bird flew off thankfully so the snake didn't get it's prey but every time I looked back, the snake would be closer to dirt off the trail until finally it was gone. But it moved so slowly as if still in hunting mode. It was so nasty! I was shaking, haha. Thank goodness nothing happened and we were both safe. Another time, I can't remember if this was before or after, but I saw another snake while walking on the sidewalk behind the park. It was much smaller but still terrifying none the less. And another time, when we had stopped and he was sniffing around I looked down to find him sniffing at a SNAKE! Thank goodness it was dead - or maybe it was just the skin that a snake had recently shed - but I was horrified! I was so worried he'd licked it and was going to get a disease. Thankfully I noticed stopped him in time! We had quite a few random snake experiences in our walks. And all three sightings were in completely different parts of the neighborhood!
Tricks and Treats
We were able to teach my dog quite a few tricks throughout his life. Sit, stay, come, roll over - a favorite! - shake - another favorite - lay down, bang! - basically the same thing as lay down...our version of play dead lol - chase your tail - he'd spin in a circle - He was such a good boy! And he was so cute, especially when you were tempting him with a treat. He would be so excited, his tail wagging furiously, his eyes fixated on that little morsel in your hand, head looking up! He would perform each task so fast, especially roll over, to get that treat! He would even bark at you if you started making him do too many haha. His favorite treats were lunch meat, Beggin' Bacon Strips and bread/tortillas. He LOVED tortillas for some reason. I still remember watching him following my sister around when she'd be eating a tortilla, his little tail wagging, waiting for a little taste. The way he'd jump up and put his little paws on your lap or anything that was between him and that food! He also loved chicken and rice, cooked carrots, any kind of meat we could give him, the homemade sweet potato treats I made him for his last two birthdays, really anything you'd be willing to share with him! He used to walk around and under the table and through our legs and chairs at dinner time barking at everyone, anyone, to share! He loved his little gourmet "soft" foods that were originally special treats he got for his birthday and Christmas. Later when his teeth got bad we started feeding them to him at least once every day. He was always such a good eater. He never over ate. He was lean and fit and sharp! There was one time he got into a packet of hot cocoa and a chocolate bar! He somehow never got sick much to my relief!
Oh walks! They were our absolute favorite things! I still get emotional when I think about them. I miss them so much! They will never be the same. We typically went in the mornings. During the summertime I'd walk him as early as 6:45 AM to avoid the heat! Most mornings during the spring, fall and winter we'd leave right around 9:15; when I knew kids would be in school so we wouldn't run into them while we were out and about. We liked our space 😉 We had a favorite route we mostly stuck to daily but eventually I started mixing things up. Sometimes we'd head over to a park, a fun trail I found back said park, I mean we left practically no neighborhood untouched! We explored just about everywhere within walking distance! Even tried walking down a dirt trail. I even drove us to the park by the library to walk the trail there because I thought the leaves of the trees were so pretty there during the fall.
I remember walks when my siblings would tag along. Like the time my youngest brother was with me and riding his little TRICYCLE and a pug came and started nipping at his ankles! lol. Or when we stopped somewhere and a dog came and chased him in circles lol. Another one of my brothers and I went on a walk once where we joked about being weird people who treated our dog like our child and would make up scenarios of dressing him in clothes and pushing him in a stroller, lol. Wow. That one's a real throwback!
In later years, when we could no longer do our regular trail I started taking him to the park more. If there were no other dogs or people around, I'd let him off his leash and let him run around! He LOVED that! He would run and explore and go at his own pace! It made me smile every time to see how free and happy he was! He looked like he was smiling!
He never quite got the hang of "heel" and I never did quite know the best way to teach it. He loved leading the way on our walks, with his head and tail held high! If he saw another dog or animal or even human he would tense up and charge forward growling a warning; "This is MY friend and I WILL protect her!" He was very protective.
Although we never took him on vacation with us, he did go on several car rides. He enjoyed riding in the car, always jumping up to look at the window. He loved sticking his head out the window and feeling the wind on his face! I took him to several of my brothers soccer games. He was pretty good sitting with me, or laying next to the chair in the shade. I usually walked him around while we were there. He loved exploring new places! A long time ago, when he was really young and full of energy he bolted out onto the field while the game was in action! I think my dad had to go chasing after him because my puppy didn't like to listen when he had a chance at escape, hahaha! Luckily the game was going on at the opposite side of the field. He just saw a big open space and decided to go for a run! We took him up the canyon a few times as well. Once we took him on a short "road trip" with us! Since it was a longer drive we set him up nice and comfy in the trunk with his bed. He loved it! Even though it made me emotional to drop him off every time we went on a trip, he usually got to have his own vacation at the place we loved to board him at! The people loved him there and were always so impressed how strong and healthy he was as he got older. They would tell us he played really well with the other dogs which shocked us because Sparky usually seemed like he was ready to fight whenever he saw another dog when we were around. One of the guys told us he was probably just trying to protect us.
These memories bring a smile to my face and flutter to my heart!! I'm so glad I have so many pictures and videos to look back on and cherish. How lucky I am to have had you for so long my sweet boy!! 🖤🤍💓
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