Grateful For Music Challenge Day 25: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Song: Over the River
Artist: Pentatonix


Today I feel grateful for family, food, good health and the tender mercies and grace of God. I'm not feeling my usual overly grateful, cheery, happy self on this holiday I love simply because I'm still grieving. 😔 I think watching my neighbors dog has been harder on me than I thought it would be. My session with my therapist yesterday was my least favorite time so far and I'm still processing my emotions. Nothing necessarily awful or dramatic happened, but there were a few instances during (and then directly after) that I just felt more overwhelmed and depressed than usual. Typically I feel more motivated and rejuvenated after a session but it was different this time. I feel the complete opposite. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. I don't want to do the assignments he gave me. I don't want to go back. I want to lock myself in my room and hide forever. From everything and everyone. 

Sorry for the rant, it happens sometimes. I was blessed to get through today as painless as possible - family gatherings are always stress and anxiety inducing for me and I had a double whammy today (now to prepare for the rest of the weekend which is only going to get harder). Sorry, I'm whining again. I know I am blessed beyond measure. I have so much good in my life. I'm going to try harder to focus on my blessings instead of my challenges the rest of this holiday season. Even though my challenges feel like mountains and I am at the bottom of a very steep, uphill climb; there is so much I can be grateful for.

The reason I am posting this song today is because it's one my dad has always declared as an official "Thanksgiving" song 😂 Simply because it's featured at the end of this beloved holiday short:

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
One of my family's favorites!

I was shocked when I saw this song, Over the River, included on Pentatonix's new Christmas album! Intrigued, I gave it a listen and was a little taken aback the first time. It was extremely unique. I've listened to it several times since and I actually LOVE it!! It's beyond creative and I don't think you'll find this song on any other holiday album....yet. Pentatonix has a way of covering a song so brilliantly a year or so later you start seeing those same songs pop up on other celebrities holiday albums. 😏 Pentatonix setting the bar HIGH since 2012! Lindsey Sterling features on the track and it's awesome! Let the holiday season officially commence!! Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Holidays!!

Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother’s house we go
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow

Over the river and through the woods
Oh, how the wind does blow
It stings the toes, it bites the nose
As over the ground we go

Over the river and through the woods
Trot fast my dapple gray
Spring over the ground like hunting hounds
Upon this Christmas Day

Over the river and through the woods
And straight through the barnyard gate
We seem to go extremely slow
It’s just so hard to wait

Over the river and through the woods
Over the river and through the woods
The river, we go home
Over the river and through the woods
We go


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