A Licensed Driver: Round 2
I can only pray that I will pass! What a journey it has been getting to this point in my life. I so desperatley want this. I just need to have confidence. Confidence is key. I can do this! I feel much better prepared this time around. I know what to expect. I know what it's going to be like. I can do this! I'm feeling really good! Really positive and calm. The weather has been cloudy and a little cold but other than that not a single rain drop or snowflake! I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful for this small tender mercy. I know God did that for me. Something so small but it means so much!
I LOVE THIS!! There is only NOW! I'm never going to be more "ready" than I am right now. No amount of days, practicing, etc. will prepare me anymore. I've just got to do it!
*UPDATE 3/15/16 @ 8:42 PM*: I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could cry I'm seriously SO HAPPY!!! Dad and I practiced a few things before getting down there (where I did a perfect parallel park). The most embarrassing/awkward thing happened though! As we got going, all of the sudden the seat belt light turned on and I saw the instructor was wearing HIS seat belt!!! I HAD FREAKING FORGOTTEN TO PUT MY STUPID SEAT BELT ON!!! WHO DOES THAT!? I was so embarrassed!! I told him "I usually always have it on, I swear!" He was like "Yeah, yeah." I mean, he was really nice about it but it was still so awkward! I unfortunately failed the parallel parking :( I only got one shot and I was disappointed because I had done so well earlier. But I did a really great job with my 3-point turn, I made sure to S.M.O.G. (signal, mirrors, over-shoulder and go) and I did a good U-turn. I stopped at all the stop signs and lights. My parking sucked but what's new. I still need to work on that.
I'm just so relieved! Today was literally THEE LAST DAY I could take the test so I screamed inside when he said I passed!!! I am so THRILLED!! I am so grateful! Heavenly Father truly blessed me today in ways I will NEVER, EVER forget! The weather forecast had said it was going to rain and snow ALL DAY today. But it didn't! And I didn't have to drive in rain/snow! Such a tender mercy that I know was a gift to me from my Father in Heaven.
And I am so grateful for my dad! He has been my rock through all of this. I couldn't have done it without him. I love and appreciate him so much! He is the best man I know. I couldn't have been luckier in getting such a wonderful, loving father! I love you dad! Thank you for always believing in me and never giving up on me!
It was a GOOD day!
He has done this for me today :`)
So THIS is the reason I feel at peace....
It's over. My battle with driving has finally come to an end. I know there are still trials ahead. I'm still not the most confident driver. There are still a lot of things I need to work on and improve. And I can't get my hopes up too, too much because what if for some random reason the DMV looks at my stuff and wants to test me there and end up not issuing me my license!! But, all of my fears about driving and my age, have now come to an end. It was a long, hard uphill battle. And now, it's finally reached it's climax. The conclusion will be when I am holding my official license in my hand and am driving more confidently. But the worst is finally over!
THIS is one of the battles I have finally WON!
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