Grateful for Music Challenge Day 18: Man in the Mirror

Song: Man in the Mirror
Artist: Michael Jackson (Cover by Michael Henry & Justin Robinett)
You know it's a pretty incredible song when you're posting it for a SECOND time! Oh, how I ADORE this song!! It's so powerful and inspiring and uplifting and just simply BRILLIANT!
Today I am grateful for this beautiful song because it has such a powerful message. Also, because it's currently stuck in my head ;) But really. It's very close to my heart. I love how the song isn't telling someone else that they need to go be a better person and stop being selfish and go live a better life. It's talking about how we, individually, each person, needs to look within ourselves and be the change we want to see. It begins with us. With me. If you want people to be treated right, you make sure you treat people right! You want to see world hunger end, you do whatever it is you can to help. Put bad habits of selfishness, laziness whatever it is, behind you and start making a positive change for the better. It begins with YOU. I have also applied this song to my own personal situations. I want (need) to make changes in my life. And I'm the only person who can do it. I need to make that change. Get my driver's licence. Get a job. Go after a profession I want and start getting the training I need to someday get there. Be the better daughter, sister, friend, teacher, whatever it is and start doing it NOW!
Annnnndddd, I'm rambling! The point is, today I am grateful for this song. Because it makes me want to be a better person. It makes me want to better myself and make a positive impact in the world. Not to mention, Michael's passion makes you want to "make that change" and do something great! ;) This is one of my top 10 most favorite songs EVER! It's one of those songs I can listen to over and over and over and over and over and never, ever get tired of it!
Today I am posting this beautiful cover (by Michael Henry & Justin Robinett) :) I'm obsessed! Enjoy!


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