Media Fast
In an effort to be more productive and use my time wisely I am going on a "Media Fast." This means I will not be using electronics for a whole week. Examples: No Internet, listening to music, watching tv, etc.
My family is doing this challenge together. Although I know this is going to be hard for me (especially the no listening to music part) I am actually really excited! Now that I have set a legit challenge for myself that my family can help hold me accountable too, it's going to be so good for me! I can spend my time reading, working on improving my talents and just getting out and about. The only time we can use our electronics is for uplifting/church related things i.e. scriptures, lesson planning, church articles/uplifting reading, etc.
I am excited to spend more of my time growing closer to my Savior Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven. I need to spend more time with them as my life is at a weird and uncomfortable place right now. I know I can find true and lasting peace and happiness by coming closer to them. I hope to have some positive experiences this week and make this a more regular part of my life. Spending less time with the world (i.e. youtube, Pinterest, blogging, social media, etc.) and more time with my Savior (i.e. scripture study, more sincere prayers, reading talks from the leaders of the church, pondering, journaling, spending time with my family, etc.)
So, there will be no updates from me for this next week. If you find yourself missing me, please enjoy the 99 posts of music I have here on my blog ;) That's a lot of tunes!! A lot of different songs that have gotten me through my days. Go take a listen! Get inspired! Get pumped! Become a Hanson fan! (considering the majority of my posts have to do with Hanson) Hopefully that will help tide you over until I return.
See ya in a week!!
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