DietBet & Healthy Eating Challenge: Update - Week 1
This is a lot harder than I thought it would be!
Eating healthy is SO HARD! And the only exercise I've been doing is taking my dog on walks. Granted, they are usually 30-60 minutes long. But still, I could do a little more.
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This is pretty much my logic when it comes to eating better.
This is how I feel (and basically what I do) every time I try to eat healthy!
Monday and Tuesday I totally blew it!! Like BIG time! I ate and I was lazy and then I ate some MORE! I really like to eat. Obviously. And I'm addicted to things that require little to absolutely NO movement at all (i.e. sleep, reading, blogging, youtube-ing)
Wednesday I started a few aerobic type exercises along with my walks. 30 jumping jacks, 15 sit-ups, 30 side-touches, 1 minute of bicycle kicks, 10 girl push-ups, 30 squats and 10 lunges. I ate pretty well for the most part too.
Thursday was pretty much the same as Wednesday UNTIL that night when I went shopping with my sister and we did something CRAZY and completely out of control! We got frozen yogurt (and a lot of it!) and then straight after that got medium vanilla Frosty's from Wendy's! We didn't finish the Frosty's because we were feeling guilty but seriously!? #NO CONTROL!!
Friday I did awesome! I did all of the aerobic exercises 3 TIMES EACH! Then I took my dog on a walk that was over an hour long and then basically cleaned my entire house! I did eat a doughnut and a bunch of kettle corn that night, but I deserved it ;)
Saturday & Sunday we had some last-minute guests. So of course, we have to eat good (as in not good) when company is around. I was not very happy about having these particular guests over. They cause a lot of anxiety for me, they make me feel even more insecure and feeling very self-conscious whenever they're around. So that was great.
Saturday & Sunday we had some last-minute guests. So of course, we have to eat good (as in not good) when company is around. I was not very happy about having these particular guests over. They cause a lot of anxiety for me, they make me feel even more insecure and feeling very self-conscious whenever they're around. So that was great.
And then TODAY (10/6/14) I slipped back into my evil ways of laziness and junk food. I downed TWO full-sized Hershey's bars while watching Youtube videos! Isn't that disgusting!? Plus, I polished off the rest of my kettle corn like a fat pig who couldn't get enough to eat! I practically inhaled the stuff!! (I did take a good 50-60 minute walk this morning (plus my aerobic exercises) but because of what I put into my body since then and how I've wasted the rest of my day, I'm not feeling too accomplished about that anymore).
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Haha, this was me today. |
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I'm really determined to start over. Ignoring any "surprises" and "challenges" that might come my way (like all those surprise visitor's this past weekend). I have to learn to not get so overwhelmed when something unexpected happens in my life and just learn to deal with it and not let it ruin my day, week or month.
On a positive note: I have been drinking a green smoothie every single day this month as part of a green smoothie month-long challenge I'm doing. :) YAY for one small success! They've been pretty tasteless so they must be good for me ;)
I'm going to feel super hypocritical while I write this advice, because I do exactly the same things you do. But nevertheless, here it is.
ReplyDeleteI think you are trying to do too much all at once. Awesomely ambitious, but you're going to wear yourself out. You are trying to change habits. Its not going to happen overnight.
Focus on the good stuff you do. Even if it seems like its only something little. Taking your dog for a long walk, that is awesome! Cleaning the house, awesome! Surviving stressful visitations, super awesome!
Forgive yourself. Allow yourself to have some 'blew it' days, especially if you are having fun. Laugh at the craziness like its one of these memes, and then move on.
Your week sounds like a success to me. You are still going, you haven't given up, and you keep thinking about ways to improve. I'm proud of you.
Its kind of crazy how alike we are.
Also, I'm sorry I don't comment more.
Thank you SOOOOOO much for this comment! You have no idea how much I needed this today. I've been feeling very down because on my walk today I dropped my i-Pod and it cracked and for some reason that upset me so much. I could not get over what happened, until right now. After seeing this lovely comment :) I think I have an emotional connection to my i-Pod because it gives me such comfort. I can escape realtiy for a while with it. It's not completley ruined, but still. I know, that sounds really strange, but it's true.
DeleteThank you again so very, very much for this comment. It has truly made my day! Thank you for taking the time to write and to read my blog. It means the world to me. Please don't feel sorry for not commenting, I know how busy life can be!
I hope you are doing well! I read your post on Comic Con which looked AMAZING! I went to FantasyCon this past summer and LOVED it!