MLKDay 2019

HAPPY MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY!! This quote reminds me of the sweet song In Our Small Way by Michael Jackson :) "I may be poor, but I am somebody. I may be young, but I am somebody. I may be small, but I am somebody. I may make a mistake, but I am somebody. I am black, brown, white I speak a different language, but I must be respected, protected, never rejected. I am somebody." I've been reading a small biography on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and have been absolutely inspired by this incredible man! He endured terrible persecution and injustice as he fought for the most basic rights of human decency. This time period in American history has always been fascinating to me. I remember watching the movie Ruby Bridges as a very young girl and feeling horrified by the way people treated a child. I couldn't comprehend the fact that grown men and women were screaming at, threatening and actually trying to hurt this little g...