
Showing posts from June, 2016

So Alive

Song: So Alive Artist: Goo Goo Dolls   I JUST ORDERED " BOXES " BY THE GOO GOO DOLLS!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!   This song is the single off of their * new* album and I was in love the first time I heard it playing on the radio. I remember listening to it and thinking to myself "Is this the Goo Goo Dolls?" After hearing that it was, I wondered if maybe it was an older song of theirs since I didn't recognize it. I looked them up on itunes later and there they were, with brand-spankin' * NEW* music!! I was THRILLED! And coincidentally I had just been thinking to myself "Wow, the Goo Goo Dolls haven't had any new music since 2013. I wonder when they'll have something new out." I love happy coincidences :)   This song is incredibly powerful and inspiring to me. I love the lyrics and the over all message. It's all about being alive. Overcoming the "enemies" i...


HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE SISTER!!!   I can't believe my LITTLE sister just turned 19 freaking years OLD!!! How is that even possible!?!?   I love my sister. We are so close and truly are the best of friends. Even though she is younger than me, I swear she is older than me in so many ways. I honestly look up to her. We are so similar yet she has this incredible ability to push herself to be brave. To try new things. To get out of her comfort zone. I admire that about her and wish I could be more like that. I know she struggles with feelings of insecurity and anxiousness like I do. But she is beautiful, quirky, hilarious, original, creative, fun, kind and so smart! She has such a fun-loving personality I can't see why she would ever feel down on herself! I love her so much and appreciate our close bond every day! I know I can text her or talk to her anytime and about anything and she'll get it. She'll think it's funny, she'll understa...

Slow It Down

Song: Slow It Down Artist: Goo Goo Dolls   I know I've been extremely MIA and pretty down every time I have decided to post a song. This has been a rough year. I'm hoping things will take a turn for the better soon though! Here's to positive thinking!   I can't divulge too much information but I just did something that I'm hoping will work out in my favor. I'm really, really hoping, wishing and praying it will turn out and go over really well. I really want it. It's actually been something I've been wanting since January. I had tried something similar once before but it didn't work out and it CRUSHED me! I was so upset! You can refer to my post "Same Mistake" to get a glimpse of what I was feeling. Fingers crossed this will go over much, much better! I'm really counting on this! I need this.   The song doesn't have a ton to do with what I'm hoping for but there is one line that stan...