So Alive
Song: So Alive Artist: Goo Goo Dolls I JUST ORDERED " BOXES " BY THE GOO GOO DOLLS!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! This song is the single off of their * new* album and I was in love the first time I heard it playing on the radio. I remember listening to it and thinking to myself "Is this the Goo Goo Dolls?" After hearing that it was, I wondered if maybe it was an older song of theirs since I didn't recognize it. I looked them up on itunes later and there they were, with brand-spankin' * NEW* music!! I was THRILLED! And coincidentally I had just been thinking to myself "Wow, the Goo Goo Dolls haven't had any new music since 2013. I wonder when they'll have something new out." I love happy coincidences :) This song is incredibly powerful and inspiring to me. I love the lyrics and the over all message. It's all about being alive. Overcoming the "enemies" i...