Good People/Fire on the Mountain
Song: Good People Artist: Jack Johnson I realize I already posted this song in regaurds to basically the same situation . But, in light of the most recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, this song instantly came to mind. In fact it was the first song to come up on my iPod today. I do not want to personally offend anyone. But I do not agree with the ruling. I believe that marriage should be between a MAN and a WOMAN. I believe in God's law of marriage. Though I don't agree with the ruling I will respect it. I will respect those who have different opinions and beliefs from me. That's ok. We are free to choose for ourselves. But I expect the SAME respect for my beliefs and feelings as well. We need to have more love, respect and compassion one for another, despite our differences. I believe in loving the sinner but not the sin. I will not condone the law, but I will respect it. I don't hate gay/trans/lesbian/bi people. They are people, and children of G...