Dreams of a Better Day

Song: Dreams of a Better Day Artist: Kurt Bestor performed by Judd Maher Please ;) This song is from an old "feel good" movie from the 90's called The Buttercream Gang . My family and I watched this film on Sunday. It's horrendously cheesy yes, but the message is beautiful. This song has really stood out to me. I've been listening/singing it a lot. I don't know why. I'm going through a hard time with self-acceptance and just loving myself. I wish I could be a kid again. I liked who I was back then. I felt good about myself. Why did I have to go and grow up? And get insecure? Also, it makes me think of my brother. He's going through a really hard time. I hope he can find his way back. To true peace, joy and happiness. "Bring back those rains and wash my cares away. Then dry my eyes with the sunlight. And on that star only one small wish I pray, bring me home again." "Won't you please tell me where t...