HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE KING OF POP, MICHAEL JACKSON!!! If he were still with us, he would be 58 years old today. My journey with Michael, from knowing of him to truly embracing and loving him and becoming the die-hard fan that I am, is so crazy to me. For years I grew up thinking he was a terrible person, not even knowing why. I liked some of his music, but didn't listen to it much. Then last August everything changed. I became intrigued with this iconic performer. I bought his music. I loved it. I got to "know" him. I loved him. I am so happy and proud to call myself a die-hard MJ fan! I can't explain what he means to me. I felt so connected to him in such a deep, real and personal way. I related to him so much. I saw myself in him. Check out my Michael and Me series I created last fall to read about the similarities I share with this incredible man. He was talented, kind-hearted, loving, soft-spoken, forgiving, accepting, compassionate, determined and incredi...