Michael and Me Part 7
This just about wraps up the Michael and Me series. I have really enjoyed creating these posts. I have felt a sort of peace as I see and think about these similarities between Michael and I. It makes me not feel so bad about myself. Especially after last weeks. That took a lot out of me. And for the past couple of weeks I have been going through some tough times, dealing with my anxiety and loneliness. Now when these moments arise, I can think of Michael and know that I am truly not alone. He experienced some of these same "issues" all while being in the public eye. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible that would have been. I look up to him so much. He was an incredible person. A good person. A loving, passionate and kind human being who had such a sad life. But he left a HUGE impact on this world. And on me. I have loved "getting to know Michael" these past couple of months.
Here are a couple other random little similarities I thought of between the King of Pop and little old, nobody me are:
Michael was a very religious person.
I've heard him talk about God a lot in interviews. He always said his talents and gifts came from God. That he prayed often and thanked God for everything he had been given. I don't know a whole lot of detail about what religion he practiced but he was clearly a believer. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). I love my religion. My faith is what helps me the most. It's what keeps me going. Gives me strength. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I can always look to Him for help, strength and peace. He knows me. He sees me for who I really am. He believes in me and understands me better than anyone. I love God. I know I have been incredibly blessed (despite my personal challenges and weaknesses). God is so good. Just in this past little while I have experienced small tender mercies that have meant so much to me and that I know came from God. They were so personal. So exclusive, just for me. God knows me. He cares about how I feel. I want to be a better person and I know I can become all that God wants me to be with his help. He has not left me alone!
This is really sad but I love how he answers the question at the end, proud of you Michael! Especially under such terrible accusations!
This interview is very good and interesting. Michael had the interviewer ask the question to his sister Janet and then she'd ask him and then he'd answer....maybe he was feeling especially shy that day :) Something I would do (and I will admit I have done something similar to this scenario...)
I love this website! So many great facts and stories and quotes about/from Michael Jackson. That's where I first read about him getting his driver's license at 23 (like me!). Here are a few "spiritual quotes" from Michael that I absolutely LOVE! Click here to visit the page to read more.
"My mother knew her polio was not a curse but a test that God gave her to triumph over, and she instilled in me a love of Him that I will always have. She taught me that my talent for singing and dancing was as much God's work as a beautiful sunset or a storm that left snow for children to play in." - Michael Jackson
"Each day I take time out to study the Bible, no matter where I am. The teachings of the Bible have added a new dimension to my life. It, somehow, makes me whole." - Michael Jackson, "Black Stars" Magazine interview, 1976
"I pray a lot. I see a beautiful sunset and I say "God, that's beautiful...Thank you", or a baby smile or burrterfly wings or anything like that." - Michael Jackson in Ebony/Jet TV interview
"Michael maintained his integrity, a Christian-like attitude, a sense of humbleness and kindness, even when he was being torn aprt by the wolves. That says something. I believe that came from his faith and from the love of God that filled his heart." - Debbie Kunesh
Michael Jackson did not like to swear!
I thought this one was wonderful! How cute :) I don't like swearing. I don't swear. I'm not saying Michael never swore. I'm not saying people who swear are bad people! I'm just saying I admire this little part about Michael a lot. That's impressive to me.
Minute mark 1:40-2:05 :)
Hahahaha "That's smelly!"
Minute mark 2:42-2:58 is the part about the swearing
Don't bother watching this whole video, that Martin Bashir was horrible about Michael!
Michael Jackson came from a big family.
I am also from a big family. There are nine people total (10 if you include my new brother-in-law and 11 if we include my dog, who is most definitely considered a family member :) Michael was eighth out of ten children (one was a twin to one of his older brothers, but died in childbirth), so he has me beat! And even though I know he had his issues with his dad he still loved his family (including his dad!) very much. He would thank them during his award acceptance speeches and even mentioned how his brothers were his best friends growing up. My siblings are definitely my best friends, and have been since forever! He also had a very deep love and adoration for his mother! The way he would talk about his mother was with so much respect and love, the way all mothers should be treated! So sweet!! I was also so impressed with how forgiving Michael was. Whenever he talked about the bad things his dad would do to him and his brothers, he always made it clear that he loved his father very much and that he forgave his father. I remember hearing him say "I love my father, but I don't know him.....I just wish I could understand my father." What a beautiful heart and soul this man had!
Looks like some kids are missing in the pic...
The whole Jackson family
Minute mark 18:03-18:33
Minute mark 20:15-20:28 "But I do love him. And I am forgiving." <3
I had to upload the whole interview, but the above minutes marks are where he talks about his father. I highly recommend watching this entire interview, very eye-opening and touching!
Brotherly Fun Interview Part 1
Such a cute interview! :) Little Michael, sooo precious!
Brotherly Fun Interview Part 2
Michael Jackson was also a family person.
He loved families. He loved the family unit. He loved and wanted children (he wanted to have lots of kids!). He knew the importance of family. I am the exact same way. I love my family so, so much! I desire my own family where I can have children of my own and a husband who I can love unconditionally and who will do the same for me. I believe the family unit is important and that it's especially important to spend good, quality time with our families, especially children. They need their parents. They need their parents love, time and attention. They need to know and feel that they are important and special and loved.
Awww, I love him!
Minute mark 1:39-2:13 :) Too cute! Great full interview too :)
So cute, I LOVE this!
Precious! Even though Michael sounds like he's a little sick :(
"You Are My Life" - written for/about his children :)
Michael really did want to (and needed to) be a father! I'm so glad he was given these three children, they meant the world to him and brought such happiness and joy to his very sad and painful life!
Michael Jackson did not like scary movies! :)
I don't know why I find this so funny (and relateable!) but I do! I HATE scary movies!! I'm kind of a wimp so pretty much everything scares me, haha. I loved hearing this about Michael. In fact, I read that he rarely watched any television and movies in general!
Minute mark 3:19-3:50 is when he talks about not liking horror movies :)
I love his sweet, soft-spoken voice
Michael Jackson loved to read.
I absolutely LOVE reading! It's such an escape from reality for me (along with music). Michael loved to read and study and learn from books. I love that about him! Just another thing we have in common :)
I've posted this picture once before (Peter Pan post) but I love it so much! Especially that shirt! Also, what is he reading!? He's on the COVER!

Michael Jackson was a perfectionist
I have heard many people refer to Michael as a perfectionist. I'm a perfectionist as well. In fact, I think that what makes life so hard sometimes, haha. But really! I'm always so concerned about getting things right and having things be perfect and I can't stand it when I mess up and I can never be completely satisfied with something. There's always something more I could have done.
Minute mark 27:54-28:00
"I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am."
And that concludes my Michael and Me series! I hope you have enjoyed this series of posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them! I also hope you've learned something about Michael. That you've been able to learn (and see) what a genuinely amazing man he really was. Boy, did the media have it all wrong about him! I was led to believe my whole life that he was some weirdo and was a really bad person. Goes to show just how much the media can ruin their "people!" UGH! Hate the media! Poor Michael endured so many lies, scrutiny, teasing, bashing, name calling, the worst! R.I.P. Michael, you are so deserving and I love you so much! I hope to meet you someday, in happier times and under more peaceful circumstances! I feel like I know you in a way. Thank you for being yourself! And for showing others that it was OK for them to do the same. Thank you for creating such fun songs that we can dance to and escape to. Thank you for writing songs with such strong meaning and powerful messages of good. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. You will never be forgotten. You will live forever in the hearts of those who love you!
This song is the perfect way to end my series. With Michael, knowing what I know now, knowing how similar we are, I am never alone. I can always think about Michael when I do feel alone. And sad. And shy. And embarrassed (I hate to say it, but I feel this way often, too often).
"You are not alone. I am here with you. Though you're far away, I am here to stay. But you are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart. But you are not alone."
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
you are not alone
Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...
(Not alone ohh)
You are not alone
You are not alone
Say it again
You are not alone
You are not alone
Not alone, Not alone
If you just reach out for me girl
In the morning, in the evening
Not alone, not alone
You and me not alone
Oh together together
Not not being alone
Not not being alone
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