Michael and Me Part 5
Michael Jackson LOVED animals!
So far, you have read about mine and Michael's love for children, getting our lisences at the same age (23), our love for all things Disney, and Peter Pan (particularly Disney's Peter) and now ANIMALS.
I have always loved animals. Stuffed animals were one of my favorite toys to collect and play with throughout my childhood. This was mainly due in part that I was not allowed to have any real animals. I am a HUGE dog person! I love dogs, they are hands down the BEST animals in the world! I truly believe that there is no other animal on this planet, save dogs, who will love you so unconditionally and want to be with you and accept you for who you are. I have always loved dogs! I have quite a large stuffed dogs collection that I accumulated over the years. They had to fill in for the real dog that I dreamed of having. I can remember wanting a dog so badly that I would write my dad plans and draw him pictures of how I would take care of my dog :) Where he would sleep, eat, how I would take him on walks and play with him every day and clean up his poop, etc, etc. My mom was really the one I needed to convince. My dad had a dog growing up and loved his dog (and dogs in general). My mom on the other hand, did not. She didn't have any animals and I swear is allergic to most.
Once my family moved from the neighborhood I had grown up in (I was probably about 10 or 11) things were really hard for me. I really struggled making friends and dealing with the challenges of moving (new school, new church, new neighbors, etc.) Even though we only moved about 15 minutes away from my old neighborhood and friends, I started to experience really intense loneliness. I remember writing notes to my dad about how much I hated where we lived because I didn't have any friends and I wanted to move back to my old house. I told him if I had a dog, I would have a friend. To make a long, soppy-story short, my parents FINALLY got me a dog (well, technically it's the family dog, but really, he's mine :) I was struggling in school and they made a deal with me that if I would attend school for x-amount of weeks WITHOUT complaining or skipping school (oh yes, I was a regular sluffer in my elementary days ;) we would get a DOG!
I was ECSTATIC!! Of course I did it, and I got my precious puppy! He's still with me today (literally, he's in my room with me as I type this) and I ADORE him!! He is the sweetest dog in the world! He has been my best friend. Unfortunately, even though we didn't move very far, I lost contact with my good friends from my old neighborhood. My two best friends ended up moving to a new state and my other friends went in different directions with their new friends and schools. I was painfully lonely (another thing Michael and I shared....I will have to save that for Michael and Me Part 6) and sometimes it felt like the only friend I had, the only person who I could confide everything in and who would love and accept me through it all was my dog. He has always been here for me. He is loyal and loving and forgiving and accepting. That's why I love animals so much. They don't judge you. They love so unconditionally. We can learn a lot from animals that way.
Sorry! I can get very long winded sometimes! Let's take a look at Michael and his love for animals :) Michael had a chimp named Bubbles so you will see a lot of Bubbles and Michael below, so cute :)
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Awww, even little Michael loved his animals :)
Ben, anyone?
"They don't see you as I do, I wish they would try too, I'm sure they'd think again. If they had a friend like Ben." :`)
CRAZY!! He really did love ALL creatures!
Love this
Look how sweet and gentle he is <3
I love seeing Michael with dogs :)
You can really see how much he loves him here :)
SO cute!
Not sure if that's Bubbles but LOOK! It's wearing a DIAPER! And look at the way it clings to Micahel :) So precious.
This is so precious :) Michael gives his children a DOG for CHRISTMAS! Best present EVER!
Sorry for the overload! They're just all so cute! I totally understand and relate to why Michael loved animals so much! I feel the same way. I highly recommend checking out this Animal Planet documentary on Micahel and Bubbles, very sweet. Sorry Part 1 doesn't work :/
Also, I LOVE this music video! I love that Bubbles and Muscles (Michael's BOA!!) are in it :) I think the video is so creative and really gets the message across, LEAVE ME ALONE! You don't know me. You don't understand me. But these guys do. They're my friends.
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