Hanson Day 2016 Re-Cap!

Hanson Day 2016 was INCREDIBLE!!!
I really didn't think it could beat last years Hanson Day but I think it did :) How is it that Hanson only gets BETTER!? This is hands down the best band. Period. Hanson is unique and special and inspiring and insanely talented and so wonderful to us fans. I love, love, LOVE being a FANSON!
In preparation for Hanson Day 2016 I made "I Heart Hanson cookies" again (this year with a homemade buttercream frosting in 4 different colors!) with my I Heart Hanson cookie cutters and I must say they turned out SO MUCH better than last years! And they tasted MMMM-AZING!!
I had a little extra dough....so I had to make some special dedicatory cookies for each guy!
That's a lot of cookie Hanson love!!
Isaac, Taylor, Zac :)
My favorite cookies
Decorated the cookies in lots of different ways, so fun!
Nom, nom, nom!!
The State of the Band was fun but seemed shorter than last years. Most of it seemed to be re-cap videos which I didn't think was totally necessary. And they didn't take/there wasn't enough time to answer many fan questions. But the MOEY awards were fun and exciting to watch (even though only two people I voted for won: Best Group Music Video and Join the Band) along with the raffle ticket drawing. I loved how cool Isaac thought their cardboard cut-out was, lol. They are so funny! But the BEST part was the announcement of a new CHRISTMAS ALBUM: WINTRY MIX!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! I wish it was coming out THIS year but I am THRILLED!! I can't wait to see what songs they will have!! And the way Taylor kept talking about how epic Hanson Day will be next year for the 25/7 (25 years as a band, 7th album) celebration made me decide there and then that I AM GOING! Nothing is going to stop me!!! I HAVE to be there! I WILL be there! I can't WAIT!! 25 years as a band!! Incredible! MON will be 20 years old!!! HANSON IS RELASING A 7TH FULL LENGTH STUDIO ALBUM!!!!
The concert was FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!! I really didn't think it would measure up to last years, but it EXCEEDED my expectations! I loved that they played so many new songs! I can't wait for the 2016 Members EP: LOUD. I loved the song "Stop Me In My Tracks", "Siren Call" and "No Sleep for the Weary." I'm also excited for PLAY but I'm sad I have to wait clear until OCTOBER to own it! I'm obsessed with the song "Feeling Alive!" Taylor sang this song with so much passion and did such a good job vocally. And I loved watching Isaac on that drum set! He did a brilliant job! And that drum sequence between Isaac and Zac (during "Feeling Alive") gave me chills! It was incredible! I so wish I could have been there and helped record the songs with them (they are such naturals on stage!) but you can bet I was singing along and fist-pumping at home :) I had a BLAST!
Even though I couldn't be there in person I feel so blessed and grateful to have been able to watch the streams (I may or may not have watched them more than once....that concert tho!)


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